Benefits of Consuming Organic Foods

Benefits of Consuming Organic Foods


You may have found a lot of people stressing the necessity of switching to organic products. You might be wondering what exactly constitutes an organic food and what its benefits are. Lets us try to understand that here.


What is Organic Food

The term organic denotes a specific way of processing or growing the product or its constituents. Its definition may differ slightly from country to country. But following are its basic requirements for being called an Organic food:

● Ingredients are grown using natural fertilizers like manure and compost.

● Weeds and pests are controlled using natural farming methods such as crop rotation and mulching.  

● Chemical pesticides and herbicides are not used at any point in growing/creating Organic foods.

● Animals are fed organic feed

● Antibiotics and other medications are replaced using cleanliness and a healthy diet.


Benefits of Organic Food


In contrast to using conventionally raised or grown food, organic food has substantial advantages. Studies have found that organic food consumption can boost mental and emotional health and save us from many diseases.


Fewer Pesticides - Conventional crops are grown using heavy amounts of pesticides that also consume the food while protecting the crops. These pesticides have devastating health effects and are not easy to wash off from the food product also.


Environment-friendly - The objective of conventional farming is to increase production and maximize profit. A strategy that often puts our environment at risk. Using only natural pesticides and herbicides reduces the runoff of harmful chemicals that pollute the environment, especially our water sources. 


Nutrient-Rich - Studies have found that food grown organically is more nutrient-rich, containing more significant amounts of things like omega-3 fatty acids. The high nutrient content occurs naturally as the use of harmful chemicals is reduced.


GMO-free - Organic food, by definition, does not include food that is genetically modified. GMO (genetically modified organisms) and GE (genetically engineered) foods often have unexpected harmful effects.


Fresher - Organic food isn't preserved the same way that GMO-laced food can be, so we are forced to eat it while it is at its freshest. 


The benefit to the farmer - Farmers are able to make more money because they don't have to buy expensive chemicals. 

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