Coffee drinkers Unite for it's a Glorius Day!

Coffee drinkers Unite for it's a Glorius Day!

I want to give all you Keurig Coffee Pod guzzlers out there that wrestle with their conscience each time they reach for their favorite Keurig Coffee Pod some advice because I want you to be happier faster!

I've finally found an entirely compostable Coffee Pod with packaging! I was beginning to give up hope when my wife surprised me the other day by telling me that she'd ordered some compostable coffee pods. It was as if the words coming from her mouth were being spoken by an angel, and you probably think I'm kidding, but I'm not!

You see, I own a Keurig machine that makes Cappuccinos and Lattes. I will include a link to it below, but this isn't a review about the coffee maker, even though I love it! No, I'm here to tell you about the coffee pods that I can now use with my Keurig.

Normally, when I am thirsting for a cup of my favorite beverage, and yearn to have the smell of a freshly brewed cup of coffee tantalize my olfactory organ, I reach for my French Press, grind my favorite coffee beans, add them to my press before adding boiling water, which comes from my Keurig; yes, it is true, I use my Keurig as a glorified kettle.

The problem is that I refuse to buy coffee pods because I've learned that I cannot recycle them without a lot of effort. First, I have to peel away the top, stick my figure into the pod to remove the coffee filter liner, place the coffee grinds into the food recycler and add the peeled top and plastic pod to my recycle bin. Phew, that is a lot of work when you have just finished drinking 120 pods - not all at once, you understand, because that would be crazy!

Sometimes, I'm embarrassed to say, I've thrown pods into the trash because I was either too lazy or didn't have the time to put each pod through my recycling process. So, one day, disgusted with me, I made a pact to stop buying coffee pods unless they were recyclable or compostable. So today I'm here to tell you that I have found that coffee pod, actually my wife found it!  But no matter, I'm still excited to show you so without further ado, here is the link so that the next time you want to reach for a coffee pod, you can do so with a clear conscience and head held high, knowing that you're not part of the problem but part of the solution!  Go forth and prosper my friend! 

Compostable Coffee Pods

Keurig Coffee Maker

Just in case your interested.  I love the coffee maker because it isn't crazy expensive and it froths the whole milk that I use. However, the frother doesn't work well with skimmed, low fat or 2%.

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