Introducing Bamboo

Introducing Bamboo

Bamboo is one of the most sustainable materials that planet earth has. Unbeknownst to most people, Bamboo is a type of grass and not wood at all. It is cheaper than most types of wood, can grow 98" in 24 hours, and has many uses in food, medicine, textiles, paper, construction, furniture, home decor, and musical instruments.

Bamboo grows in Asia, parts of Africa, and the Americas and comes in many different varieties. Some varieties of Bamboo have the same strength ratio as steel and almost twice the compression ratio of concrete. To put its strength in perspective, you only have to look to the earthquake that occurred in Columbia in 1999 and resulted in the destruction of all concrete buildings and zero damage to Bamboo buildings.

Another advantage of Bamboo is that it is lighter than other types of construction materials and, as a result, costs less to transport. And if you still aren't convinced that Bamboo is impressive, you should also know that it can withstand hurricane winds of up to 170 mph.

Furthermore, the surface of Bamboo has a smooth finish that makes painting and the use of pesticides unnecessary. Once you smoke its exterior, it becomes impenetrable by insects.

Finally, other eco-friendly qualities of Bamboo comprise its ability to desalinate water. Reduce the Nitrogen content of rivers by using it as a food source, and prevent soil erosion through its extensive root system.
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