Five Reasons to go Green

Five Reasons to go Green

Safety is always a top priority when we think of our families, workplaces, vehicles, and homes, but why does environmental protection often come in last? Earth is our home, and as far as the experts know, it's the only one we have. 

Do you love the beach? How about a brisk hike through the mountainside? The pure, natural-bliss the Earth provides us with is something we take advantage of every day. If the human race doesn't start taking the proper precautions to protect our Earth, we might not always have the natural treasures we know today.

Protecting the planet from environmental damage should be a top priority but creating an eco-friendly society seems like a daunting task that humans have talked about for decades. If every person on the planet made small changes to benefit the environment, we would be in a better eco-state than we are today. The only way we can change our old habits and start working to become eco-friendly is to learn about some of the challenges the planet is facing and what we can do to help.


Recycling can have a huge impact on the planet. In 2018 The National Geographic reported 91% of plastics on our planet are not recycled. That means 91% of the world's trash is sitting in landfills, releasing toxins into the ground and water supplies. Recycling reduces the number of products sent to landfills, conserving the planet's natural resources like timber, minerals, and water.
Recycling isn't just sorting your trash and cans or bottles. It's also reusing or repurposing products instead of throwing them out. More and more companies are beginning to realize the benefits of repurposing recycled items into consumer products such as clothing and shoes.

Carbon Emissions

What if I told you - every time you take the transit bus, you're helping save the environment. Using fossil fuels like gas or diesel releases carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. The United States Environmental Protection Agency says the buildup of greenhouse gases in the environment is one of the known causes of the planet-warming, resulting in the climate problems we see today like melting Arctic ice caps. Making small changes to your daily routine like taking the bus, walking, riding your bike, or carpooling with a friend are easy ways to keep a small environmental footprint.

Grow Your Own

Growing your food is sure to land you a healthy delicious meal, but it's also much more eco-friendly than you might assume. If you grow your food in your backyard, you're not making as many trips to the grocery store and in turn, producing less fossil fuel. Have you ever wondered how those delicious bottles of Italian wine get to North America? They traveled. Whether your products are coming by plane, train or boat, it's burning emissions. Plants clean the air naturally through photosynthesis, so the more natural plants and greens we grow, the fresher we can help make the planet.

Is Your Refrigerator Running?

Yes, your refrigerator is running. We can't help but keep some appliances plugged in, but there are ways we can try to monitor the energy use in our homes. Electricity comes from power plants, which use various energy resources to produce electricity, such as coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, or renewable resources like water, wind, or solar energy. Power plants generate electricity by burning coal, oil, or other fossil fuels. The cost to produce it is inexpensive, but the planet pays the price. When consumers use less energy, power plants can have less energy and therefore burn less fossil fuel! Next time you're running out the door to work, remember that the extra second it takes to shut off the lights will help make a difference.


Almost 70% of the Earth's surface comprises of water, but that doesn't mean we have an infinite supply.

Every human needs water to live. We use it for drinking, bathing, cooking, and so many more necessities. Humans aren't the only ones who need it either; animals and plants depend on it just as much as we do. If plants don't have water to grow, we can't help create a sustainable planet. Preserving water can be done in many ways, but common examples look like shutting the water off when you're brushing your teeth or preventing toilet and sink leaks in your home.

There are many ways to help keep a small environmental footprint, and most of them are tiny adjustments to make. Earth is our home, and it needs our help to protect it. Assess your home and energy use today to see how you can be eco-friendly.

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